Thursday, January 22, 2009

The eternal worrier

so im back again! this blog has started to make me feel better already so im going to keep it up! I thought I would discuss my next problem that has me feeling down.... this is a biggie for me as it has been hiding in my head for quite a while now. This is one of those things that i know I NEED to sort out, but absolutely dread the idea of even thinking about it so i keep putting it off and off and now ive ran out of time and cant put it off anymore!

first of all its quite important to understand that i am a worrier. now i mean a serious, constant worrier. my family and friends dont really understand this aspect of my personality as they say everyone worries and gets nervous sometimes, but nobody seems to suffer from it at this extreme rate as i do. I worry about EVERYTHING! i will get nervous over EVERYTHING!

right now i am in college studying Linguistics. i really enjoy this subject but i cant for the life of me decide what to do next year, as this is my final semester (AH!!!). I always wanted to do a course in college that would just automatically lead me into a job, but this is not the case. I have been to guidance counselors who tell me i can work in the translation industry (ha not without a second language you cant!!) or i can get into working with dictionaries etc etc the list of random jobs is unreal. but unforunately, I dont want any of it.

I dont feel like im ready for the real world yet, so i decided id do one more year in college doing a masters in linguistics. but then i started to worry about what would happen once i left college then. nothing will have changed only the fact that i have both a BA and an MA in a subject that is useless (although i love it!).

Ive always wanted to do speech and language therapy, but there is only one course open to me here in Ireland to do so and its next to impossible to get into it. so lately ive been focusing on tryin to get work experience, as this is essential for being even considered for this course. i am having a very tough time trying to find work experience also. but now this week ive gone back to my initial worry of what happens if i dont get into this course (which is highly likely)! ive researched courses in the UK (even though i really wouldnt want to leave ireland for college) and found nothing really there as they are all similarly difficult to gain access to.

I have to admit i have been moping around my house for a few days as this dreaded thought has been bothering me, but i need to cop on and stop now. It isnt life or death. I am still young with plenty of time to define my future. I will continue to send out CV's for work experience and on Monday I shall go and speak to somebody in the Linguistics department and tell them my problem and see what they think about the masters and what I could do afterwards.


talk soon :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, from one fellow worrier to another (you can read the benjamin button post on my blog where I discuss my own worrying), stop worrying about being worried. It's the ultimate unsolvable cycle.

    I've recently tried to start worrying less less. Especially about abstract future things. If there is nothing I can do to solve it, then I tell myself to forget about it and relax. Then 5 minutes later when it comes back, I smack it down again. After 22 days of this, I've managed to gain about 2 minutes, and go 7 minutes before the abstract worries return. I figure if I continue this behavior I'll eventually be able to stop worrying. Either that or have a psychotic episode where I continually argue with myself. *shrugs*

    Seriously though, some of my favorite quotes from the "sunscreen song" by Baz Lurman are:

    "Don't worry if you don't know what you want to do with your life, the most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don't."


    "worrying is like trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum"

    I myself took 4 years to get into a job that utilized my degree. You'll get a low level full time job and survive. You'll network, and meet people, and one day you'll get a break. Probably when you least expect it. I know that's cliche, but that's how it happened for me. If it's a course of study that you love, go for the master's. Just having a master's degree is sometimes enough to land you a job. Well good luck with the not worrying.

